Date: 15.10.2019
DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Students participated in MANAGEMENT FEST- GYAN MANTHAN organized by Chandigarh Group Of Colleges, Jhanjeri Following students of BBA secured the positions in fest
1st Position- Rubalpreet (BBA-I), Dimanshu (BBA-I) Swati (BBA-I) – Rangoli Competition
2nd Position- Prachi jain (BBA-I) – Best Manager Event
3rd Position- Rashi singla (BBA-III) Simranjot kaur (BBA-III) Ashish chugh (BBA-III) – Stock Bazar
#mhrd #hrdministry #ugc #mmmcpta #multanimalmodicollegepatiala #modi #modicollege #modicollegepatiala #punjabiuniversity #pup #punjabiuniversitypatiala #CGCJhanjeri #GyanManthan #bba #cgc #jhanjeri